A: All MiG-28s point to “yes.” While it is still in the early stages of development, “Top Gun 2” is in Paramount’s sights, although the production company will not confirm anything on the record at this time. Tom Cruise (pictured left in the original, with Kelly McGillis) was said to have been approached for a cameo in the sequel, but studio officials are quick to deny that claim. I think it’s still a possibility that Maverick will make an appearance; they just want it to be a surprise for us fans, so they are denying it. However, all of us nosy-pants on the Internet make surprises quite difficult to pull off, wouldn’t you agree?
Q: I am glad to see that “Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura” is back for its second season. I was surprised truTV gave it the green light to go ahead in the first place, since most channels try to stay away from anything even the slightest bit controversial. — Lisa J., via e-mail
A: I know what you mean, and I’m happy that truTV is sticking by its most controversial show (its record-breaking ratings for its first season didn’t hurt, either). The governor himself told me how proud he is of the network for taking a chance on his show: “I give truTV a lot of credit. They’re showing a great deal of courage for putting this show on television. They came on board with both guns blazing. I have to tell you that I couldn’t be happier.” For more of my chat with Gov. Ventura, go here. Trust me, we cover some really good stuff!
Q: I finally had the chance to see “You Don’t Know Jack,” the HBO movie with Al Pacino starring as Jack Kevorkian. Al was great, as usual. Did he meet Dr. Kevorkian before portraying him? — Britney F., San Antonio
A: Al Pacino told The New York Times that he did not want to meet the doctor to prepare for his role, as he wanted to discover the character himself and didn’t feel that meeting him prior would be productive. He said he “prefers playing a real character, someone who exists, because it gives a kind of credibility to what you are doing.” Al has since signed on to another HBO biopic, this one being a David Mamet-written film about Phil Spector. I am thinking he won’t be meeting with Phil beforehand either.
Q: Can you tell me if Scott Caan of “Hawaii Five-O” is related to James Caan? — Joyce C., via e-mail
A: Scott, 34, is indeed the son of legendary actor James Caan. Scott, who plays Danno in the revamped version of the hit 1970s police drama, has been building quite a resume for himself. He has appeared in “Ocean’s Eleven,” “Ocean’s Twelve” and “Ocean’s Thirteen,” as well as “Varsity Blues” and “Into the Blue.”